phpMyAdmin 4.8.0-alpha1 is released


Welcome to the first testing release of the next minor version of phpMyAdmin, version 4.8.0-alpha1.

This is a pre-release version, so please check any bugs against the issue tracker and report new ones at

A complete list of new features and bugs that have been fixed is available in the ChangeLog file or changelog.php included with this release.

Major changes include security enhancements such as removing the PHP eval() function and authentication logging, a mobile interface to improve the interface when used with tablets or mobile phones, and two-factor authentication options.

A few highlights of the changes include:

Much of this work is thanks to the hard work of our Google Summer of Code 2017 students. We're participating again, see

Additionally, there have been continuous improvements to many of the translations. If you don't see your language or find a problem, you can contribute too; see for details.

As always, downloads are available at

Thanks to our sponsors for helping to make this work possible!

The phpMyAdmin Team