phpMyAdmin 4.4.7

Released 2015-05-16.

Welcome to phpMyAdmin 4.4.7, a bugfix version. (2015-05-16)
- bug #4876 Settings issues (Favorite tables shown twice in Settings)
- bug #4896 Non-styled error page when following results link
- bug #4894 Deleting without confirmation
- bug #4858 Issues with SQL autocomplete
- bug #4897 Column hint in SQL autocomplete is sometimes not shown
- bug #4898 JS error after selecting a field and press Enter
- bug       Honor proxy settings when getting Git commit information
- bug       Missing title on link
- bug #4512 ForceSSL Redirect Check
- bug       Undefined index collation_connection
- bug       Error when the reporting server is down
- bug       Escape database and table names for partition maintenance
- bug       Invalid value for CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER
- bug #4367 Import status infinite loop
- bug #4902 Designer: Loading does not work
- bug #4904 Setup: Overview > Display does not work
- bug #4906 Designer: pages from all databases

Older version compatible with PHP 5.3.7 to 7.0 and MySQL/MariaDB 5.5. Was supported until October 1, 2016.

File Size Verification
phpMyAdmin-4.4.7-all-languages.7z 5.4 MB [SHA256]
phpMyAdmin-4.4.7-all-languages.tar.bz2 7.1 MB [SHA256]
phpMyAdmin-4.4.7-all-languages.tar.gz 8.9 MB [SHA256]
phpMyAdmin-4.4.7-all-languages.tar.xz 5.3 MB [SHA256]
phpMyAdmin-4.4.7-english.7z 3.8 MB [SHA256]
phpMyAdmin-4.4.7-english.tar.bz2 4.4 MB [SHA256]
phpMyAdmin-4.4.7-english.tar.gz 5.2 MB [SHA256]
phpMyAdmin-4.4.7-english.tar.xz 3.7 MB [SHA256] 5.9 MB [SHA256]

Since July 2015 all phpMyAdmin releases are cryptographically signed by the releasing developer. You should verify that the signature matches the archive you have downloaded. Verification instructions are placed in our documentation in the Verifying phpMyAdmin releases chapter.